Volker Pantenburg
Profese: spisovatel, pedagog, filmový teoretik
Země: Německo

Volker Pantenburg / Zdroj: https://www.ikkm-weimar.de
Volker Pantenburg is professor for Film Studies at Freie Universität Berlin. From 2010 to 2013, he directed the PhD program “Theory and History of Cinematographic Objects” as one of the junior directors at the IKKM. Until 2016, he was junior professor for Image Theory at Bauhaus University Weimar. Between 2007 and 2010 he worked in a project on the migration of images between cinema and contemporary arts in the framework of the Collaborative Research Center "Aesthetic Experience" at FU Berlin. In 2008 and 2009 he also conceived the independent research project “Kunst der Vermittlung. Aus den Archiven des Filmvermittelnden Films.” In 2015, he co-founded the “Harun Farocki Institut,” a non-profit organisation designed as a platform for researching Farocki’s visual and discursive practice and supporting new projects that engage with the past, present and the future of image cultures. Pantenburg has published widely on essayistic film and video practices, experimental cinema, and contemporary moving image installations.
Source: ikkm-weimar.de/en/fellows/former-fellows/volker-pantenburg/