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Thomas Elsaesser

Rok narození: 1943

Profese: filmový kritik, historik

Země: Německo

Narozen v Berlíně roku 1943, vzdělání získal na Heidelberg University a na University of Sussex (Velká Británie). Pracoval jako filmový kritik v Londýně a byl editorem filmového časopisu Monogram. V roce 1976 inicioval vznik filmovědného oboru na University of East Anglia, který řídil do roku 1986. Zdroj: thomas-elsaesser.com

Publikace autora

Film theory

Film theory

Thomas Elsaesser

What is the relationship between cinema and spectator? This is the key question for film theory, and one that Thomas Elsaesser and Malte Hagener put at the center of their insightful and engaging book, now revised from its popular first edition. Every kind of cinema (and every film theory) first imagines an ideal spectator, and then maps certain dynamic interactions between the screen and the spectator’s mind, body and senses. Using seven distinctive configurations of spectator and screen that move progressively from ‘exterior’ to ‘interior’ relationships, the authors retrace the most important stages of film theory from its beginnings to the present—from neo-realist and modernist theories to psychoanalytic, ‘apparatus,’ phenomenological and cognitivist theories, and including recent cross-overs with philosophy and neurology. This new and updated edition of Film Theory: An Introduction through the Senses has been extensively revised and rewritten throughout, incorporating discussion of contemporary films like Her and Gravity, and including a greatly expanded final chapter, which brings film theory fully into the digital age. [routledge.com]



Thomas Elsaesser
česky / 2007 / 109 stran

Studie o mistrovském filmovém díle science fiction režiséra Fritze Langa Metropolis a jeho vlivu na další filmovou tvorbu.

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Kraj Vysočina
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