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Giuliana Guazzaroni

Profese: profesor

Země: Itálie

Giuliana Guazzaroni

Giuliana Guazzaroni / Zdroj: Scholar

She is a PhD in E-Learning, a specialist in learning environments that use virtual or augmented reality systems. She developed the EMMAP (Emotional Mapping of Museum Augmented Places) format for which she conceived and created interactive experiences of art use in archaeological museums, art galleries and city streets. She received the Medal of the President of the Republic, as a representative prize for research: "Quantum art, science and augmented reality: innovation synergies". In the E-Learning sector, she dealt with online didactic mediation mainly at the Ca 'Foscari University of Venice and at the Polytechnic University of Marche. Here she used E-Learning by integrating learning environments with mobile devices, to create training experiences in which the participant interacts in a place, at the same time, real and enhanced. Study and develop virtual systems useful in the treatment of mental health and special needs. She has published and edited articles and research contributions on E-Learning issues, virtual and augmented reality for mental health, education, art and museums. She has a degree in Foreign Languages ​​and Literatures from the University of Macerata, has a specialization in Technologies and Methods of Online Training from the University of Verona and a PhD in Engineering Sciences (E-Learning Curriculum) from the University. 


Source: http://www.giulianaguazzaroni.net/

Publikace autora

Virtual and augmented reality in education, art, and museums

Virtual and augmented reality in education, art, and museums

Giuliana Guazzaroni

Due to the growing prevalence of artificial intelligence technologies, schools, museums, and art galleries will need to change traditional ways of working and conventional thought processes to fully embrace their potential. Integrating virtual and augmented reality technologies and wearable devices into these fields can promote higher engagement in an increasingly digital world. Virtual and Augmented Reality in Education, Art, and Museums is an essential research book that explores the strategic role and use of virtual and augmented reality in shaping visitor experiences at art galleries and museums and their ability to enhance education. Highlighting a range of topics such as online learning, digital heritage, and gaming, this book is ideal for museum directors, tour developers, educational software designers, 3D artists, designers, curators, preservationists, conservationists, education coordinators, academicians, researchers, and students. [amazon.com]

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