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David Bordwell

Rok narození: 1947

Profese: filmový historik, pedagog

Země: USA

David Bordwell získal doktorát z filmové vědy na University of Iowa. Je profesorem filmových studií v Department of Communication Arts na University of Wisconsin v Madisonu, má též profesuru z humanitních věd. Zdroj: databazeknih.cz

Publikace autora

Making meaning

Making meaning

David Bordwell

David Bordwell’s new book is at once a history of film criticism, an analysis of how critics interpret film, and a proposal for an alternative program for film studies. It is an anatomy of film criticism meant to reset the agenda for film scholarship. As such Making Meaning should be a landmark book, a focus for debate from which future film study will evolve. Bordwell systematically maps different strategies for interpreting films and making meaning, illustrating his points with a vast array of examples from Western film criticism. Following an introductory chapter that sets out the terms and scope of the argument, Bordwell goes on to show how critical institutions constrain and contain the very practices they promote, and how the interpretation of texts has become a central preoccupation of the humanities. He gives lucid accounts of the development of film criticism in France, Britain, and the United States since World War II; analyzes this development through two important types of criticism, thematic-explicatory and symptomatic; and shows that both types, usually seen as antithetical, in fact have much in common. These diverse and even warring schools of criticism share conventional, rhetorical, and problem-solving techniques―a point that has broad-ranging implications for the way critics practice their art. The book concludes with a survey of the alternatives to criticism based on interpretation and, finally, with the proposal that a historical poetics of cinema offers the most fruitful framework for film analysis. [amazon.com]

Minding movies

Minding movies

David Bordwell

David Bordwell and Kristin Thompson are two of America’s preeminent film scholars. You would be hard pressed to find a serious student of the cinema who hasn’t spent at least a few hours huddled with their seminal introduction to the field—Film Art, now in its ninth edition—or a cable television junkie unaware that the Independent Film Channel sagely christened them the “Critics of the Naughts.” Since launching their blog Observations on Film Art in 2006, the two have added web virtuosos to their growing list of accolades, pitching unconventional long-form pieces engaged with film artistry that have helped to redefine cinematic storytelling for a new age and audience. Minding Movies presents a selection from over three hundred essays on genre movies, art films, animation, and the business of Hollywood that have graced Bordwell and Thompson’s blog. Informal pieces, conversational in tone but grounded in three decades of authoritative research, the essays gathered here range from in-depth analyses of individual films such as Slumdog Millionaire and Inglourious Basterds to adjustments of Hollywood media claims and forays into cinematic humor. For Bordwell and Thompson, the most fruitful place to begin is how movies are made, how they work, and how they work on us. Written for film lovers, these essays—on topics ranging from Borat to blockbusters and back again—will delight current fans and gain new enthusiasts. Serious but not solemn, vibrantly informative without condescension, and above all illuminating reading, Minding Movies offers ideas sure to set film lovers thinking—and keep them returning to the silver screen. [press.uchicago.edu]

Umění filmu

Umění filmu

David Bordwell
česky / 2011 / 639 stran

Překlad devátého vydání legendární knihy amerických autorů Davida Bordwella a Kristin Thompsonové. Kniha poprvé vyšla v roce 1979 a od té doby se stala základní učebnicí pro obory filmových studií po celém světě. Vedle zájemců o filmová studia dokáže oslovit i širokou čtenářskou obec svým jasným, přehledným a systematickým výkladem fenoménu filmu. Kniha je doplněna ohromným množstvím obrazového materiálu, na němž je probíraná látka názorně předvedena. Čtenáři se nabízí jedinečná možnost porozumět základním tvůrčím filmovým kategoriím, jako jsou kamera, střih, zvuk apod., rozkrýt způsoby vyprávění příběhů, pochopit způsob fungování filmových žánrů atd.[namu.cz]

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