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Broderick Fox

Země: USA

Broderick Fox

Broderick Fox / Zdroj: Amazon

Broderick Fox is a filmmaker and scholar whose work explores the democratizing potentials of digital media technologies and distribution platforms to engage challenging perspectives and subject matters traditionally excised from mainstream media--sexuality and gender identity, body dysmorphia, addiction, and most recently illness, dying, and death. He is an Associate Professor of Media Arts & Culture at Occidental College in Los Angeles, and his book, Documentary Media: History - Theory - Practice is out through Routledge Press. His feature documentaries The Skin I'm In (www.skiniminmovie.com) and Zen & the Art of Dying.


Source: https://www.amazon.com/Broderick-Fox/e/B002CDWS4Y

Publikace autora

Documentary media

Documentary media

Broderick Fox
1 stran

In a digital moment where both the democratizing and totalitarian possibilities of media are unprecedented, the need for complex, ethical, and imaginative documentary media—for you, the reader of this book to think, question, and create—is vital. Whether you are an aspiring or seasoned practitioner, an activist or community leader, a student or scholar, or simply a curious audience member, author Broderick Fox opens up documentary media, its changing forms, and diversifying social functions to readers in a manner that is at once rigorous, absorbing, and practical. This new edition updates and further explores the various histories, ideas, and cultural debates that surround and shape documentary practice today. Each chapter engages readers by challenging traditional assumptions, posing critical and creative questions, and offering up innovative historical and contemporary examples. Additionally, each chapter closes with an "Into Practice" section that provides analysis and development exercises and hands-on projects that will assist you in generating a full project prospectus, promotional trailer, and web presence for your own documentary.[https://www.routledge.com/]

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