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Alice Lovejoy

Profese: filmový historik

Země: USA

Lovejoy rok působila na pražské FAMU v rámci mezinárodního stipendijního programu. Zabývá se historií české kinematografie a jejím vztahem k armádě a státnímu aparátu

Publikace autora

Army film and the avant garde

Army film and the avant garde

Alice Lovejoy
1 stran

During the 1968 Prague Spring and the Soviet-led invasion and occupation that followed, Czechoslovakia's Army Film studio was responsible for some of the most politically subversive and aesthetically innovative films of the period. Although the studio is remembered primarily as a producer of propaganda and training films, some notable New Wave directors began their careers there, making films that considerably enrich the history of that movement. Alice Lovejoy examines the institutional and governmental roots of postwar Czechoslovak cinema and provides evidence that links the Army Film studio to Czechoslovakia's art cinema. By tracing the studio's unique institutional dimensions and production culture, Lovejoy explores the ways in which the "military avant-garde" engaged in dialogue with a range of global film practices and cultures. [amazon.com]

Realizováno za podpory:

Spolufinancováno EU
Ministerstvo kultury
Státní fond audiovize
Kraj Vysočina
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