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Richard Kerr

Richard Kerr
Richard Kerr is a Canadian visual artist and filmmaker based in Montréal, where he teaches experimental film at Concordia University. Since the late 1970’s Kerr has produced an expansive body of work in analog film and digital video which have been screened at festivals, museums and galleries around the world. Emerging as an important figure in the history of Canadian experimental cinema, Kerr has also maintained a dedicated teaching practice spanning over a period of 30 years. Within this period the nature and technological means of the moving image have profoundly changed, while informing and expanding his relationship to his studio practice and pedagogical concerns. Kerr’s work is both formal and tactile as he is concerned with the materiality of the image. His work prompts a return to an experimental investigation of the image’s ontology revealing film as material, chemical and photosynthetic, within an era of dematerialization that is pushing the image towards a digital form that has been rendered less visible yet ubiquitously opaque. Source: vimeo.com

Výpis filmů autora

akce: studie

akce: studie

Richard Kerr / Kanada / 2008 / 5 min. 0 sec.

Světlo jako synonymum bílé ukazuje a zamlčuje člověka na pozadí hladiny, která je základní významovou vrstvou, nad níž se vrší významy (dané zkušeností s dějinami experimentálního filmu), které se slévají v základní téma totožnosti vody (moře) a lidské existence.

Realizováno za podpory:

Spolufinancováno EU
Ministerstvo kultury
Státní fond audiovize
Kraj Vysočina
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