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Louise Larivière

She produced “out of the box” awareness events for organizations such as Oxfam Québec and World University Service of Canada to name a few. Since 1998, she has presented major photo events & exhibits across Canada, including cities such as Montreal, Ottawa, Winnipeg, and Toronto. As President of Boreal Communication, she designed & took part in a photo assignment to promote the Boreal Forest of Canada to urbanites. In 2007, she flew from Québec to the Yukon with a team of photographers, documenting her travels along the way. The "Respect" exhibit was showcased in Canadian cities. The media and environmental groups acclaimed the initiative. She produced “Take me to the River”, a 22 minutes documentary on Ontario North. In 2011, she received the "Innovation Award" from the National Film Board of Canada for "Migizi", a poetic documentary on life beyond the 55th parallel she co-directed with a fellow filmmaker. She managed to secure funding for all those projects. 

Výpis filmů autora

bez náhledu


Tomi Grgicevic, Louise Larivière / Kanada / 2010 / 6 min. 9 sec.

FilmMASO zachycuje orly bělohlavé (migizi v jazyce indiánského kmene Odžibvejů) hodující na zamrzlém Nipigonském jezeře. Bílá barva sněhu a rudá barva krve určují atmosféru krátkého filmu, který prostým líčením trhání masa dosahuje až spirituálního prociťování jednoty veškeré přírody. Připomeňme, že dravec je také národním symbolem Spojených států.

Realizováno za podpory:

Spolufinancováno EU
Ministerstvo kultury
Státní fond audiovize
Kraj Vysočina
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