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Joe Gantz

Joe Gantz
Joe Gantz began his career as a celebrated photographer in Paris and went on to become a critically-acclaimed documentary filmmaker in the United States. He and his brother, Harry Gantz, are the Emmy Award-winning producers/directors of Taxicab Confessions (1995), the long-running HBO documentary series, featuring real-life interactions between cab drivers and their passengers that has been broadcast for more than fifteen years. Known for examining personal relationships with honesty, humor and depth, the Gantz brothers distinguished themselves as filmmakers, with their unique approach to capturing the most intimate moments in real people's lives. Their first documentary film, "Couples Arguing" (2000) (a co-production with Channel 4) captured couples in the midst of actual arguments filmed in progress in their own homes. The film was broadcast and distributed around the world, and was honored at the Edinburgh Television Festival. Most recently, the Gantz brothers produced and directed the award-winning feature documentary film, American Winter (2013), about families struggling in the wake of the worst economic crisis since the Great Depression. The film had a successful premiere on HBO in March 2013 and has screened in communities across the country as part of a nationwide outreach and engagement campaign to create impact and social change. Prior to making "American Winter", Joe and Harry executive-produced the CBS drama series, The Defenders (2010), starring James Belushi, based on a documentary pilot they created about the lives of two Las Vegas defense attorneys and the cases they defend. Also included in the Gantz brothers' body of work are critically-acclaimed docu-series for Showtime and The Sundance Channel, and for Channel 5 in the UK. In 2011, Joe Gantz independently-produced the documentary, Destination: Change Our World (2011), for Amnesty International about the human rights organization's first-ever Youth Summit in Berkeley, California. In addition to writing several feature screenplays, Joe Gantz has written two non-fiction books and his photography has been exhibited at major museums around the world, including the Georges Pompidou Center and the Vienna Museum of Modern Art. His book of photographs, entitled "Tenderness" (Nicolai Press), portrays couples sharing passionate and tender moments. Source: Devon Terrill, imdb.com

Výpis filmů autora

Americká zima

Americká zima

Joe Gantz / Spojené státy / 2013 / 90 min. 0 sec.

Obratně konstruovaná obžaloba špatné americké sociální politiky prostřednictvím příběhů osmi rodin eskaluje až ke kritice současné podoby politického zřízení. Kombinací statistických dat a osobních výpovědí vzniká rozrušivý portrét nešťastníků obraných o americký sen, jehož bezútěšnost podporuje zvolené roční období.Lidský rozměr jde ruku v ruce s politickým; k nejpohnutějším momentům patří rozhovory s předčasně vyspělými dětmi zchudlých rodičů, jejichž osudem je opakování chyb starší generace, navíc bez naděje na vzdělání i úspěch.

Realizováno za podpory:

Spolufinancováno EU
Ministerstvo kultury
Státní fond audiovize
Kraj Vysočina
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