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Jacob Kornbluth

Jacob Kornbluth
Jacob Kornbluth (born on December 31, 1972, New York City, USA) is the award-winning director of documentary Inequality for All, and feature films Haiku Tunnel (with Josh Kornbluth) and The Best Thief in the World (with Mary-Louise Parker). All three films premiered in competition at the Sundance Film Festival. Jacob started his career as a writer and director in the theater. He collaborated on and directed three successful solo shows in San Francisco. The Moisture Seekers, Pumping Copy (both with his brother Josh Kornbluth), and The Face By The Door (with Christina Robbins). All three were nominated for or won 'Best Of The Bay' awards and successfully toured the country, and a later version of The Moisture Seekers (called Red Diaper Baby) has been included in anthologies of the best one man shows of the 90's. Haiku Tunnel was released by Sony Pictures Classics in 2001. The Best Thief in the World was made and released by Showtime Networks in 2005. Presented by American economist, author and professor Robert Reich, Inequality For All premiered at the 2013 Sundance Film Festival in the Documentary Competition section, and won a U.S. Documentary Special Jury Award for Achievement in Filmmaking. Inequality for All has since garnered attention for its wrenching display of class inequality in America. Over 15 years in the film business, Jacob has started and successfully funded two production companies and worked at virtually every job on a film set, from director to producer. He was a fellow at the Sundance Screenwriting Labs twice, and the Sundance Directing lab once. Source: www.wikipedia.en

Výpis filmů autora

Nerovnost pro všechny

Nerovnost pro všechny

Jacob Kornbluth / Spojené státy / 2013 / 85 min. 0 sec.

„Nerovnost je nevyhnutelná. Ale kolik nerovnosti můžeme tolerovat?“ Mobilizace vědomí třídní nerovnosti v podání renegáta prezidentské administrativy Spojených států a knížete řečnické zdatnosti Roberta Reicha. Strhující argumentační tour-de-force přináší rozhřešení kapitalismu, interpretační aritmetika fatální hry o pravdu, důstojnost a přesvědčivost rozpoutává klíčovou polemiku naší doby.Nerovnost vysvětlovaná studentům na příkladu vlastního vzrůstu, rozměrech osobního automobilu a převrácení perspektivy lidských malostí a rozměrů osobnosti. Parametrický portrét pozitivního lobbisty.

Realizováno za podpory:

Spolufinancováno EU
Ministerstvo kultury
Státní fond audiovize
Kraj Vysočina
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