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Andrea Zambelli

Andrea Zambelli works on creation documentaries since 2000. In 2003 lhe works as assistant director on the film “Dopo mezzanotte” by Davide Ferrario, collaboration that continues in 2005, when he cured the cinematography of the Moldavian part of “La strada di Levi”. His most important film, “From mother to daughter” (2008), was the only Italian documentary film selected at “Toronto International Film Festival 2008”. Zambelli is part of a generation of filmmakers which has built it's specifity on digital shooting: his camera arrives where a traditional troupe would have difficulties, attitude that allows him to get close to the characters of his films.; Andrea Zambelli works on creation documentaries since 2000. In 2003 lhe works as assistant director on the film “Dopo mezzanotte” by Davide Ferrario, collaboration that continues in 2005, when he cured the cinematography of the Moldavian part of “La strada di Levi”. His most important film, “From mother to daughter” (2008), was the only Italian documentary film selected at “Toronto International Film Festival 2008”. Zambelli is part of a generation of filmmakers which has built it's specifity on digital shooting: his camera arrives where a traditional troupe would have difficulties, attitude that allows him to get close to the characters of his films.

Výpis filmů autora

(Ne)všední život v pásmu

(Ne)všední život v pásmu

Nicola Grignani, Alberto Mussolini, Luca Scaffidi, Valeria Testagrossa, Andrea Zambelli / Palestinian Territory, Itálie / 2013 / 64 min. 0 sec.

Pásmo Gazy se  pro většinu médií stalo zdrojem apokalyptických výjevů izraelsko-palestinského konfliktu. Striplife  představuje výjimečné zobrazení všedního života tamních obyvatel před současnou eskalací násilí. Gaza od východu do západu slunce v uhrančivých obrazech – bez nutnosti komentáře.

Realizováno za podpory:

Spolufinancováno EU
Ministerstvo kultury
Státní fond audiovize
Kraj Vysočina
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